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September 4 - Week in Review


September 4 - Week in Review

See the week's main Government news in pictures

Strait talk: Chief Executive Carrie Lam speaks at a ceremony to celebrate 30 years of cross-strait exchanges on September 4.

Personal service: Secretary for Constitutional & Mainland Affairs Patrick Nip tours the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data on September 5 and meets its staff.

Policy platform: Chief Executive Carrie Lam speaks at the 6th Asia-Pacific Housing Forum held by Habitat for Humanity on September 6.

Pluralistic society: Secretary for Constitutional & Mainland Affairs Patrick Nip meets Equal Opportunities Commission Ethnic Minority Unit staff on September 6.

Feedback facility: Chief Secretary Matthew Cheung chats with staff during his visit to the 1823 public enquiry centre on September 6.

Next generation: Chief Secretary Matthew Cheung speaks at a public engagement session on youth development policy held by the Home Affairs Bureau and the Commission on Youth on September 6.

Aussie economy: Secretary for Innovation & Technology Nicholas Yang (centre) meets Australian Securities Exchange Chief Operating Officer Timothy Hogben (right) in Sydney on September 7.

Trusted service: Secretary for the Civil Service Joshua Law presents the Best Public Image Award gold prize to the Fire Services Department at the Civil Service Outstanding Service Award Scheme presentation ceremony on September 7.

Hot competition: Chief Executive Carrie Lam speaks at the 2017 World Master Chefs Competition for Cantonese Cuisine held at the Chinese Culinary Institute on September 7.

Dimensional development: Secretary for Constitutional & Mainland Affairs Patrick Nip is briefed on 3D printing technology during his visit to a Hong Kong enterprise in Zhuhai on September 7.

Tech talk: Secretary for Innovation & Technology Nicholas Yang meets Australian Minister for Industry, Innovation & Science Arthur Sinodinos in Sydney on September 8.

Point inspection: Chief Secretary Matthew Cheung (right) visits Shenzhen Bay Control Point on September 8.

Excellent educators: Secretary for Education Kevin Yeung commends 1,400 teachers for providing quality education to students at a ceremony on September 8.

Community boost: Secretary for Home Affairs Lau Kong-wah (second left) opens the Yuen Long Town East Community Hall on September 8.

Industry support: Chief Executive Carrie Lam speaks at the Hong Kong Plastics Manufacturers Association 60th Anniversary Jubilee Dinner on September 8.

Festive occasion: Secretary for Constitutional & Mainland Affairs Patrick Nip speaks at a reception held in Shenzhen on September 8 to celebrate the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region's 20th anniversary.

Cantonese culture: Secretary for Home Affairs Lau Kong-wah (right) tours the Cantonese Opera Education & Information Centre on September 9.

In the post: Chief Secretary Matthew Cheung visits the General Post Office in Central on September 9 to inspect the special counter for handling UK student visas.

Stately show:  The "Hall of Mental Cultivation of The Palace Museum - Imperial Residence of Eight Emperors" exhibition is being held at the Heritage Museum until October 15.

Strait talkPersonal servicePolicy platformPluralistic societyFeedback facilityNext generationAussie economyTrusted serviceHot competitionDimensional developmentTech talkPoint inspectionExcellent educatorsCommunity boostIndustry supportFestive occasionCantonese cultureIn the postStately show