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RMB15b bonds tender set for Aug 17

August 09, 2011
The Chinese Ministry of Finance today announced a tender of RMB15 billion in sovereign bonds will be held on August 17th through Hong Kong's Central Moneymarkets Unit.
A total of RMB6 billion in three-year bonds, RMB5 billion in five-year bonds, RMB3 billion in seven-year bonds and RMB1 billion in 10-year bonds will be made available for institutional investors for competitive tender on a coupon-bid basis.
Copies of the tender information memorandum are available from the Hong Kong Monetary Authority at 55/F, Two International Finance Centre, 8 Finance Street, Central, or from the issuing and lodging agent, Bank of Communications Co., Ltd, Hong Kong Branch at 20 Pedder Street, Central. It can also be downloaded here.

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