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Mainland officials to meet legislators

August 15, 2014

Central Government officials will invite all Legislative Council members to attend a constitutional reform meeting in Shenzhen on August 21.


Chief Secretary Carrie Lam told the media today the meeting is a chance for legislators to express their views on constitutional development after the Chief Executive submitted his report to the National People’s Congress Standing Committee and before the committee meets later this month to consider the report.


She urged legislators to seize the opportunity to voice their opinions.

On today’s meeting between Central People's Government Liaison Office Director Zhang Xiaoming and democratic legislators, she said the conference was the first of a series of four meetings arranged by the Hong Kong Government in response to a request from some pan-democratic legislators.


She said it was held in a very candid and open manner with both sides expressing their positions on constitutional development. They said such meetings are helpful, she added.

Report on the Public Consultation on the Methods for Selecting the Chief Executive in 2017 and for Forming the Legislative Council in 2016