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LegCo can meet Central Gov't officials

March 13, 2014

Next month's Shanghai visit for legislators will give them the chance to meet senior Central Government officials face-to-face.


Speaking to the media after a district council meeting today, Secretary for Constitutional & Mainland Affairs Raymond Tam said many pan-democrats confided in him the wish to meet officials to express their views and those of the public on universal suffrage, adding he believes the tour will be useful and important for constitutional development.


"I would tremendously encourage all members of the Legislative Council to consider joining the tour."


Mr Tam said the Chief Executive is accountable to both the Central Government and to Hong Kong, and it would not serve the city’s best interests to elect a Chief Executive who was hostile towards the Central Government.


All parties, including the nomination committee, voters of Hong Kong and the Central Government must use their best judgment to choose a Chief Executive that serves the long-term interests of the nation and the city, he added.

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