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Views sought

Views sought:  Secretary for Constitutional & Mainland Affairs Raymond Tam distributes leaflets on the constitutional reform consultation and explains its content to people in Aberdeen.

Raymond Tam urges public participation

January 05, 2014

Secretary for Constitutional & Mainland Affairs Raymond Tam today encouraged more public participation in the consultation on political development, particularly the 'silent majority' who might not otherwise express their views, to get more balanced and authentic feedback.


He said the consultation will have more frequent community meetings in its second month. Today, he and the bureau’s Under Secretary Lau Kong-wah distributed leaflets on the consultation in Aberdeen.


Such activities facilitate direct contact with people on the street and arouse public attention to the ongoing consultation, Mr Tam said.

The Government will be hosting dinners for lawmakers, and meeting with political parties, District Councillors and local organisations as well.


He said he hoped to achieve a system that facilitates fair competition for people who aspire to become the Chief Executive.
