Tender Boards/Consultants Selection Boards
Central Tender Board
(Appointed by the Financial Secretary)
Enquiry: | Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau (The Treasury Branch), 24/F, Central Government Offices, 2 Tim Mei Avenue, Tamar, Hong Kong. |
- Permanent Secretary for Financial Services andthe Treasury (Treasury) (Chairman)
- Director of Government Logistics
- Permanent Secretary for Development (Works)or representative
- A legal adviser at a rank not lowerthan Deputy Principal Government Counsel
- Deputy Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury(Treasury)3
Secretary: | Principal Executive Officer (Tender), Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau (The Treasury Branch) (Tel.: 2810 2257) |
Terms of Reference
- To make recommendations to the Permanent Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury (Treasury) on the acceptance of tenders, with the exception of those tenders dealt with by subsidiary tender boards and departmental tender committees.
- To recommend appointment of subsidiary tender boards where appropriate and to regulate their operations.
- To consider any matter referred by subsidiary tender boards and tender and contract matters generally.
- To consider applications from contractors for a review of the durations of their debarment from tendering for service contracts (excluding construction service contracts) that rely heavily on the deployment of non-skilled workers and make a decision on the year(s) of debarment.
